Friday, February 10, 2012

The Rumors of my Demise have been Greatly Exaggerated

I haven't abandoned my loyal readers (all three of you); there are more exciting things in the pipeline!

The Map of Rock is going to change format and illustrate some quirks of protein-protein interaction networks. By the way, if you haven't pitched in your two cents towards getting the Map of Rock released into the wild, you can still do so here. Get on that, by the way. It's expanded to Iced Earth, thanks to input from a knowledgeable coworker, a development I feel ill at ease with.

I'm counting on my readership to be either too lazy or too well informed
to go listen to Iced Earth.
Also, there's going to be some rumbling at Annex Fitness, the strength and conditioning group I help coach. It will include lots of grainy black and white photographs of the strongmen of yore, and a chunk of relatively obscure Toronto history.

In the meanwhile, I read things:

Why You Need Domain Knowledge

More Ricky Bruch

And something that fell into my lap a month late from the minds at Starting Strength.


  1. That gun is hilarious! I am trying to think of some way to justify this design! Were they just that clueless? Perhaps it was meant for a person to gauge how many shots they were going to get hit point-blank range?! Ridiculousness!

    Nice post.

    1. Thanks Joe! Totally in agreement. It's interesting how much of a difference something so simple can make. At least my applications won't put anyone's eye out (for the most part).
