Monday, November 7, 2016

Transformer Progress

I've been posting somewhat haphazardly with regards to my amplifier goings on, and am trying to wrap my head around the concept of audio transformers. I promise this will settle down once I stop barfing my random technical thoughts online.

Anyway, I think I made a breakthrough today by running some white noise through the 1:1 transformer I pried out of an old digital TV box.

I know this is not the way to do stuff, but I don't have an oscilloscope and Waveosaur is free.
What you see there is the frequency response for white noise, and a telltale peak at 1242 Hz. The transformer was being used in an RLC high-pass configuration, with 240Ohms and a 100nF cap, which would indicate my transformer is roughly 0.16 Henries. Different cap and resistor values seemed to be consistent with this pattern, so at least I have that one part of the amp somewhat figured out.

Now to drive it from the 386 without blowing another power cap...

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